Sexless marriage.

Sexless marriage is something that is rarely discussed. I have found that the most vocal people are the ones who are having sex and those that are not tend to keep quiet. This is horrible because myths about how effortless sex can be continue to be perpetuated. I find that in general once couples are …

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Weathering the storm of sexual dysfunction.

Throughout Hurricane Sandy, it was fascinating to watch social media activity and see how people were coping with disruption in their routines and their fears of the unknown. Facebook statuses were anything from “No electricity or water” and “A tree fell on our house!!” to “Anyone else annoyed about missing Monday night football??” and “Whew, …

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Sex during pregnancy.

For the most part, sex during pregnancy really shouldn’t be all that different from sex at other times. Sex is safe, fun and a great way to celebrate this special time in your life with your partner. However, here are some things to keep in mind: If your doctor gives you specific instructions, it’s important …

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Tensing your body during sex.

Tensing your body during sex can either be a means to generating pleasure or a reaction to experiencing pain. If you’re interested in learning about tensing your body due to pain, read our blog on that topic. However, if you’re tensing your body because sex is pleasurable, read on.  It seems that part of having …

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The sex “drive”.

It was our first session of Driver’s Ed, and there we were sitting in the nerdy Driver’s Ed car. At last, it was my friend’s turn to drive and she joyously made her way to the front seat. With excitement on her face and eagerness to get moving, she simultaneously placed her right foot on …

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The pajama party.

I did a television interview last week. It was totally fun and totally unusual. It involved sitting on a waterbed. I kid you not. So here’s the premise — this new talk show has a bunch (four, to be precise) of absolutely adorable 20-somethings in PJ’s sitting around talking about sex. And me. Just to set …

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Sex at dawn or prehistoric promiscuity.

The premise of the book Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha, is basically that as we moved from being foragers to farmers our society shifted in enormous ways, and with that shift, we went from a species that shared everything to a species that shared almost nothing. “Several types of evidence suggest …

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“Changing it up” doesn’t have to mean big changes.

Every month in some women’s magazine the sex columns recommend “changing it up.” You know, that’s where they recommend putting the spice back in your sex life by “doing something different.” Invariably, that “something different” includes suggestions like “do it in a different room,” “try a new position,” “wear a costume.” Well, I’ve been doing …

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