We’re guessing that the reason you’re here on our site is that hormone levels may be impacting your sex life. The ones that have the greatest affect on your sexual health are estrogen, testosterone and DHEA-s. Other hormones can impact as well, such as progesterone or prolactin. A simple blood test allows us to accurately interpret your hormone levels and decide on the appropriate therapy.
How can hormone therapy help me?
In our experience at our Center we see a clear link between raising low hormone levels and strengthening a woman’s libido, her ability to become aroused, and the quality of her orgasms. Women for whom low hormones play a significant role in their dysfunction can benefit greatly from hormone therapy and may have a hard time being helped without them.
As with any therapy or treatment, there are both benefits and risks. Hormone therapy is no different. Our team will take the time to explain each of them to you thoroughly. Should you decide on hormone therapy, we’ll then monitor you on an ongoing basis to make sure levels are comfortable and effective for your individual case, and that you’re not having any side effects. We’ll even provide guidance to you every step of the way within the context of your lifestyle and current relationship.
For many women, hormones are the base for your sex life and without them, nothing else may seem to be working. So, if you think that could be you, don’t be afraid to talk us.
Helpful Resources
As we are becoming more aware of the fact that hormones may have a significant impact on women’s libidos, testosterone has begun to play a more important role in evaluation and treatment. Testosterone is typically thought of as a male hormone but lower levels may also be critical to a woman’s health and wellbeing. For years research has supported the fact that testosterone replacement therapy in men significantly impacts libido, bone density, energy levels and mood, so practitioners experimented with small amounts of testosterone replacement in women, and began to see significant and sometimes dramatic outcomes. Learn More
Estrogen therapy is usually referred to as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and it is the most effective treatment for women suffering from severe menopausal symptoms. These may include both estrogen and progesterone. Women who have had a hysterectomy (had their uterus removed) can use estrogen alone, but women who still have a uterus need to take progesterone in addition to estrogen. Learn More
Menopause is a normal condition that all women experience as they age, and is characterized by a wide range of symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, memory loss, low sex drive, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), depression and more. For some women these symptoms are transient and barely noticeable. However, for others these symptoms may be severe and interfere with quality of life. Learn More
Bioidentical Hormones
There is much confusion and misinformation when it comes to bioidentical hormones. Simply put, the chemical makeup of bioidentical hormones exactly matches that of the same hormones in your body. They can be man-made, but the molecular components are the same. For example, if you looked at laboratory-generated bioidentical estrogen under a microscope it would appear exactly the same as the estrogen your body makes. Learn More
Testosterone Pellets
Testosterone pellets are a great alternative for women who are tired of applying testosterone gel to their skin. The pellets are inserted into the subdermal fat layer in your buttocks and are designed to deliver testosterone for 3 to 4 months, and sometimes up to 6 months. One pellet is about the size of a tic tac, and most women require only 1-2 pellets. The procedure is performed in the office and takes approximately 15 minutes. Learn More
in a patient's own words:
My Maze treatment is like a fountain of youth!
I came to Maze Women’s Health after a multi-year struggle with my health. I saw internists, gynecologists and cardiologists and no one understood my symptoms or offered solutions. I was tired, light headed, my heart was racing, I wasn’t myself in the gym, intimacy with my husband was extremely painful, and my blood pressure went from low to high.
Then after doing a lot of online research, I realized that everything I was experiencing was likely related to menopause. I came to Maze and was so relieved to hear that I wasn’t crazy and that there were solutions. The Maze team was so knowledgeable, helpful and kind, especially Melissa, who has become one of my most trusted health care providers.
Prior to coming to Maze I thought that post menopause life was going to be pretty dreary but not so. I have my life back!
– N, NY, Age 63 –
Menopause at the age of 39. Now 45 years old and I finally found the treatment that I needed!
At 45 years old I finally found the treatment that I need! After years of living with undiagnosed hormone imbalances and unsuccessful infertility treatments, I found myself in Menopause at the age of 39. My symptoms included hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, low libido and increased levels of anxiety. I tried several alternative treatments but with no success I decided to try the bio-identical hormones that I began reading about through my research.
After seeking treatment with several doctors who didn’t get it quite right, I finally found Tara and Bat Sheva at Maze Women’s Health. I cannot thank them enough! After the first week of treatment my hot flashes were completely gone and I began sleeping through the night. It has been a year now and with the new addition of the testosterone pellet in my treatment plan, life just got even better!
– K, NY, Age 45 –
Low libido, lack of energy, vaginal dryness and painful sex:
I was really depressed by the time I came to Maze Women’s Sexual Health. I had been suffering from lack of libido, lack of energy, vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse for years and I felt like there was nothing going on with me sexually. Things weren’t going well with me and my husband, but I just didn’t know where to turn or how to fix it.
I was desperately searching for help. I found discussions of hormone replacement on the Internet, but it wasn’t a treatment my medical practice was comfortable with. I found The Women’s Center on the Internet and got a referral from my physician. I have to be honest; I didn’t go with a whole lot of confidence.
During the initial appointment, I met with Bat Sheva and Melissa and the first thing they told me was that I was totally normal! Perhaps the worst part for me was that I had been feeling all alone, like I was strange and unusual. Bat Sheva and Melissa told me that there were many people like me and it was common to lose your libido after the birth of a child.
They talked about my medication and told me that sometimes antidepressants can affect libido. They also performed a number of blood tests and discovered my hormones were low so they started me with a couple of different hormones. Bat Sheva suggested a number of books that might be helpful.
I tried Levitra and Viagra, but they didn’t help at all. In the end, the hormones made the difference for me. The healthcare professionals at Maze also helped me see that there were other options for treating my depression. I really see the work I have done with them over the past three years as an entire journey. Together we looked for a group of solutions (some medical, some having more to do with my relationship) that would work.
Now I have lots of energy and lots of interest in sex. I feel as normal as I have felt in years-since before I had kids. I feel better about my body. Maze opened me up to be more confident. I can have confidence in sex. For a long time I felt like I was not normal. I can’t tell you how great it feels to be normal again!
– J, NY, Age 36 –
Hormone Replacement Therapy for low libido:
I found the Maze Women’s Sexual Health website and came here for low libido problems. I had let things go for a long time, and my relationship with my boyfriend was becoming strained.
I was very impressed by the personalized, individualized attention I received. The professionals at the center sat down and really took the time to talk to me. I had never had that experience at a doctor’s office before. The first thing I did was complete a survey and provide demographic information. I waited an extremely brief amount of time before they were able to see me. I met with the Clinical Director and described my problem and how it was affecting my life and my relationship.
When my lab results came back, they prescribed hormones and other medications. They sat down with me to discuss any side effects and any possible drug interactions. They even gave me reading materials about the different medications.
I am still going back to Maze for adjustments to my medication, but it is a total change from a year ago. The specialists at the women’s center tailored a plan to suit my lifestyle.
I had been on birth control for years and it zapped my hormones. My body was not producing any testosterone. The Assistant Clinical Director was able to pick apart what was happening with my body and identify a solution. She suggested I stop taking the pill, but I was afraid that my body would react badly. I did eventually decide to stop taking the pill, but it was completely my decision.
I was so comfortable working with the staff at Maze. They were easy to speak to and made every effort to understand and treat my problem.
– N, NJ, Age 26 –