Intimacy Shouldn’t Hurt

Intercourse should not hurt. I’m always surprised at how many of my patients have been suffering with painful intercourse of some kind for years. But I’m also so glad they have finally decided to seek treatment. There are many reasons why a woman might be suffering from painful intercourse. For example, lack of lubrication, vaginal …

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What’s With All The Leaking?

You’d think after all it takes to make a baby, a woman’s body would return to normal after giving birth. I mean, why shouldn’t that be the expectation, after all? Conception (pretty effortless for some and far more difficult for others); three trimesters of exhaustion, morphing body parts and strangers asking questions about what’s none …

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When Did Common Become The New Normal?

At Maze Women’s Health, we see many women reporting pain with sex.  Most of them come to us after having been to other specialists and receiving various explanations and suggestions, such as:   1)    “It’s normal” 2)    “It’s emotional” 3)    “You just have to deal with it.” Unfortunately, besides being just plain wrong, the above …

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Do I need an annual Pelvic Exam?

What if I’m not due for my pap, do I still need an annual exam? While you may not need a pap test done every year, it’s still recommended to visit your gynecologic provider yearly for an annual ‘well woman exam.’ At this visit, your clinician will check your blood pressure and weight, screen you …

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Painful Sex: Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse the Cause?

One common cause of pain with intercourse is pelvic organ prolapse (POP). POP is a common condition, affecting as many as half of all women over 50. POP is defined as the abnormal descent or herniation of the pelvic organs from their normal attachment sites or their normal position in the pelvis. Organs that can “fall” into the …

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Pelvic-Floor Therapy

As a professional working in the field of women’s sexual health at Maze, I wondered what impact the abuse perpetrated by Larry Nassar on USA gymnasts would have on individuals in need of pelvic – floor physical therapy and the profession in general. I came across an article online which sets the record straight about pelvic …

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May is Now Pelvic Pain Awareness Month

In an effort to spread awareness and education about pelvic pain, May has been designated “Pelvic Pain Awareness Month” by the International Pelvic Pain Society.  This means a lot to us at Maze because we see Pelvic Pain on a daily basis, and are always frustrated at how little is known about it in the …

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Will Routine Pelvic Exams Continue To Be Routine?

I recently read an article in by Roni Caryn Rubin, entitled “Pelvic Exams May Not Be Needed”. I have always embraced the belief that less is more, but not necessarily when it comes to health and disease prevention. This article analyzes the pros and cons of pelvic exams. It is currently standard that gyn …

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