What’s So Great About an Orgasm?

What’s so great about an orgasm? If you said that “reaching the pinnacle of ecstasy” is pretty damned great (or some variation on the theme), you’d be correct. Honestly, what more can one ask for? That said, researchers have determined that orgasms are actually great for a bunch of other assorted reasons. According to the …

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Is Your Sex Life Merely Chug Chug Chugging Along?

Are you sex-stuck? Yup, I just made that up. But please, feel free – make it a hashtag. You know you wanna. Here’s what I’m really asking:   is your sex life yawn-inducing? Same ol’ same ol’? BOR-ING??!! Don’t worry – we’ve got you. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, sex can be deprioritized for …

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Is Micro-Cheating a Thing?

Have you heard the term “micro-cheating”? Maybe you think it’s just the latest in a long line of fabricated TikTok hashtags designed for easy click bate. But actually, micro-cheating refers to real life behaviors that can wreak havoc on relationships. While there isn’t one reigning definition of micro-cheating, most experts agree with what Psychology Today …

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