“By the way, sex is also painful.”

Over years we’ve had many women who have come here for treatment for low desire. Odds are, the woman has spent a lot of time trying to figure out what’s behind the low desire, why is it like that, what can change it, will it ever get better, etc. What’s interesting is how often it …

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Learn to Fly

There are some things in life that get old. Fashion trends. Slang terms. Pokemon. Cars. Textbooks. But one thing that never gets old is what it is like sitting with a woman who has just had pain-free intercourse after years of suffering from vaginismus.  When patients with vaginismus first come here, many of them report …

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Open to Heal

We walk around sharing varying forms of ourselves depending on the situation we are in, who we are with, and how we are feeling inside.  Often we are not even conscious of the choice to adjust the level of disclosure and openness we exhibit; sometimes we are aware we are doing it but much of …

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Age Is Just A Number

We live in a culture that tends to look at sex as something for the young; that as you get older, you shrivel up, no longer have sex, and just sit around doing crossword puzzles.  Studies have indicated otherwise; many senior citizens continue to have sex and want to have a vibrant sex life.  Lately …

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Shift Happens

Sometimes relationship issues manifest in a dramatic, easy-to-see fashion. But in many cases they don’t and it can take time to notice the degree to which things have changed.  I often hear couples talk about “living like roommates”; sharing living quarters, expenses, and in some cases, children, but connecting to each other in a way …

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Voices of Vaginismus

Vaginismus is not usually the kind of condition you learn about from a Facebook status, a social event, or in some cases, even a trip to the doctor.    It typically exists in silence.  In our Vaginismus Forum, there are frequently posts from women sharing not just about the pain of living with unresolved vaginismus, …

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What’s Wrong?

A recent article was published in the New York Times that I found really interesting.   It’s called “Why You Will Marry The Wrong Person”; catchy title, I know, but I don’t think it’s a depressing read. The premise of the article is basically that we go into relationships with unrealistic expectations of love, marriage and …

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Slowing Down Inside

Meditation is nothing new, but it’s become a lot more popular these days. And that’s a good thing. I used to think that meditation meant sitting for a long period of time and having a blank mind.  I’d meet people who told me they meditate for a half hour each morning and I felt like …

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Invest for Success

The perpetual challenge of achieving work/life balance is an issue that is relevant to many.  It comes up frequently here, not just in the stresses that bring people to treatment but even in the mere scheduling of appointments.   I recently read a moving speech given by Kim Clark, former Dean of Harvard Business School, …

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Inside and Out

As a therapist, I often hear my patients share similar feelings about the frustration they feel in their respective challenges.  A common sentiment is,  “overall, my life is going well and anyone would look at me on the outside and think I’m good, but they have no clue how much I am struggling day-to-day.” The …

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