The pill and libido.

The website,, handles a lot of tough issues from love and sex, to home and garden, to parenting and health. When considering the connection between the pill and your sex life and the role of hormones in a woman’s libido, there is a lot of reliable research to support this link. The question is: …

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Once again, the media needs headlines about sex.

You’ve already heard us opine about claims that practitioners who treat female sexual dysfunction medically with tremendous success. Here, ABC News again fusses over the fact that big pharmaceutical companies are creating products to address the condition of low desire. Of particular interest are the comments below the story. Proof from real people, right there.

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Zestra vs the advertising industry.

Thank you, Nightline. My only wish is that the story on Zestra — the topical oil-based product said to increase women’s sensitivity to touch and help them feel greater sexual satisfaction — aired during prime time so more people could hear the words “women” and “sex” or “sexual satifaction” or “arousal” or “desire” in the same sentence. …

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Green sex toys? Well, eco-friendly anyway.

Does anyone else have a hard time reading all the magazines that get delivered each week or month? It’s crushing, sometimes. But before I throw it all away I try to peruse headlines just so I’m not left speechless at an upcoming cocktail party. Here’s where that pays off: In Time Out New York, a …

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The estrogen conversation.

OK, gal pals. You know, I’m not a doctor. So this is not a recommendation. But I am in a tizzy over the recent article from the NY Times Magazine on April 18, 2010 on estrogen replacement in perimenopausal or early menopausal women. The article is called The Estrogen Dilemma, written by Cynthia Gorley. The …

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Did you know the pill neutralizes your sex drive?

Fifty years ago, the birth control pill gave women a freedom that previously eluded them: without fear of unwanted pregnancy, women could engage in romantic or recreational sex with relative control over the prospect of pregnancy. I’m sure many of us would agree that this was a life-changing development, aligned with the women’s movement and …

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