Do You Need To Label Your Sexuality? Here are the Pros & Cons

Gay, lesbian, queer, bisexual, pansexual, straight–there are a lot of different sexual orientations out there (and these are just a few). For people thinking about their sexualities, these labels can be useful, affirming, confusing, unhelpful, or anything in between. Your sexuality is really personal, and only you get to label it–if you even want to …

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The Myriad of New Sexual “Labels”

The NY Times recently did an article on Sapiosexuals – people’s whose erotic response is triggered by smart people. I could relate. I suppose I’m a heterosexual sapiosexual, I’m turned on by really smart men.  But it got me thinking about all the myriad of new sexual “labels”. Here’s a comprehensive list.  People who are attracted …

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Sexuality without the Fear

On the hit TV show “Grace and Frankie” Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda are two post-menopausal women who have recently become single, and while negotiating their new lives as single women, the topics of sex and sexuality often arise.  In a recent article about the show, Lily Tomlin was asked how she would like to …

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Let’s talk about sex.

I treat many women with different issues from low desire to painful intercourse. One issue that women seem to struggle a great deal with is feeling insecure or inadequate. This can have a profound impact on one’s sexuality because instead of feeling confident and positive, when these things surface it often shuts a woman down. …

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Finding what clicks.

  As you sit here reading this webpage, odds are you have a pop-blocker setup for your internet browser. The purpose of a pop-up blocker is to ensure that as you peruse the web, you do not have to deal with a bombardment of windows that would normally appear as you stumble upon new webpages. …

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Lack of a message IS a message.

In our work treating female sexual dysfunction, we often see the same phenomenon take place: A woman will come to us for treatment after years of suffering from an issue that prevents her from having an enjoyable sex life. The issue could be anything from low desire, poor arousal, inability to orgasm or painful intercourse. …

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Sex education.

After reading an article about how sex education is taught in this country, I started to think about what I would teach if I were given the opportunity. There are so many conflicting ideas about what should and should not be taught to teens. Some people feel that if you expose teens to more information …

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Grandma’s got her groove.

Getting older doesn’t mean you just want to knit sweaters all day. A recent poll by Age UK, a British organization that aims to improve quality of life for seniors, revealed that out of 2,000 senior citizens polled in Great Britain, almost two-thirds of its participants enjoy a fulfilling sex life. One in eight (12%) …

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She Comes First.

She Comes First, by Ian Kerner is a great educational tool. It is an explicit guide to help men successfully give a woman an orgasm. His audience is really the inexperienced male partner. Thus the title, She Comes First, the thinking man’s guide to pleasuring a woman. The book is modeled after another book by …

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Men vs women.

A recent NY Times opinion piece discussed how much of our sex-related behavior is “hard-wired.” The articles questioned those behaviors which we believe to be inherited in men vs. women. For example we know that men think about sex way more often than women do, and we’ve seen studies that show that men are way less …

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