Are We Overlooking Menopause?

It’s one thing to be unfamiliar with menopause. Assuming you’ve heard the word, your mind likely conjures up all kinds of things, and probably none of them too flattering. Why the negativity? Because menopause – the very normal, physiological change most women experience (unless otherwise medically mediated) – can wreak all sorts of havoc as …

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It’s not uncommon to hear from our patients that they feel “broken” as a result of their sexual health issues. It’s true, sexual dysfunction can be confusing and isolating. It can stir up feelings of guilt and self-blame and it can wreak havoc on interpersonal relationships. But I argue – do chiropractors and cardiologists and …

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What’s the difference between Low Libido & Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder?

Did you know that 43 percent of all women experience some form of sexual dysfunction?  Hypoactive (low) Sexual Desire Disorder [HSDD], characterized as frustrating low libido, is the most common form of sexual dysfunction in premenopausal women. Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), is believed to be caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain.  …

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The human brain is inclined toward all or nothing thinking. It’s easier to have every decision be binary: True or False, A or B, Yes or No, Do or Don’t. Can there be anything in between? We are not robots, even though having to grapple with complex decisions makes life infinitely more challenging and confusing. …

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Defining Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

If you are a woman of reproductive age, chances are you have heard of PCOS.  This stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome.  We will get more into the defining characteristics of PCOS in a moment. But, for now, consider this:  According to the Centers for Disease Control, PCOS is one of the most common causes of …

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The Long and the Short of It

Long-term relationships can bring security, friendship, warmth, and comfort. But, the term doesn’t often inspire visions of smokin’ hot desire and chandelier-swinging scenes. That said, partners who’ve been together for a long time don’t have to settle for the same old same old when it comes to their sex lives. There’s been plenty written about …

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Under Pressure During Sex

Anxiety. Makes me anxious just to type the word. And I’m not the only one, by a long shot. The National Institute of Mental Health reported that in 2018: An estimated 19.1% of U.S. adults had any anxiety disorder in the past year. Past year prevalence of any anxiety disorder was higher for females (23.4%) …

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Herpes 101

Let’s talk about a largely misunderstood virus.  No, not THAT virus.  I am talking about the Herpes Virus.  As a clinician in Women’s Health, I often get many questions about sexually transmitted diseases and infections.  There is a lot of misinformation and false assumptions about herpes that I would like to clarify. Let’s bust some …

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