“Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up.”

When it comes to relationships, breaking up is hard to do! Even writing a Dear John letter to stress takes practice, determination, and maybe even some tears. There are many breathing exercises that can help with saying goodbye to stress. Here’s one I recently came across in Real Simple Magazine: When your negative voice gets …

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Riding through Life

Among the many myths that come along with marriage is the notion that once the search is over, the work over.  That once you finally find that person, you can take a breath of relief, because the hard part is behind you.    Some people experience some ‘beginner’s luck’ in the beginning of a relationship: …

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What We Can All Learn from Polyamory

I came across an interesting article recently about what we can all learn from polyamory. What is polyamory? Polyamory is defined as “a form of consensual non-monogamy that emphasizes emotional and sexual intimacy with multiple partners simultaneously, ideally with the knowledge of all parties involved.”  While we may not all want to be in a polyamorous …

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Did You Know?

In our center, we often discuss—with our patients and amongst the staff– the myths and misconceptions people have around relationships and sexuality.  But it’s hard to be aware of it, because you don’t know what you don’t know. And with the abundance of inaccurate sexual information all over the place, it’s difficult to get the …

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On Kissing

Why we kiss. How we kiss. When we kiss. You never knew that kissing could be so complicated. But it really is! Whether kissing is a prelude to sex, a way to assess your potential partner or not connected to sex but merely a way to stay intimate has been studied for years. And honestly, …

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and it pains me that we even need to be aware of this in the first place.  It’s crucial to recognize this issue and to become well informed, alert, attentive and to appreciate that our attitudes and culture still need much improvement. Our society continues to deprecate women and …

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No More

October is Domestic Abuse Awareness month. Domestic violence (DV) also now commonly referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) affects us all. But like sex and sexuality it is one of those taboo topics that are not openly talked about, yet surrounds us. Statistics record that 1 in 4 American women is or will be …

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