Putting Pleasure into Sex Education

My younger patients, twenty and under, are often confused and seem a little uncomfortable when I ask them about their “Desire” for sex.  Their answers include: “fine,” or “ok.”  I will then try and make them more comfortable and normalize the idea that sexual desire is a normal and healthy part of life. Many women …

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Understanding Bioidentical Hormones and Compounding Pharmacies

Often patients have misinformation about bioidentical hormones and compounding pharmacies since there is so much confusing and misleading information out there about both of them. Hopefully this sheet will clear up some misunderstandings and misconceptions. Bioidentical hormones – are products in which the chemical makeup of the hormones exactly matches the chemical makeup of the …

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No “Normal” Down There

Why is it that so many of us go through our lives without looking deeply at our sexual self? There are few aspects of our lives that produce as much shame as sexuality, and the need to be “normal.”  Society has created this mythical notion of what is “normal” or “ideal.”  The normal weight, the …

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An Erotic Theme Park?

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, someone proves you wrong! Brazil is planning on building an erotic theme park. You can’t make this stuff up. They think it will be a big draw, and I’m guessing they are right. They are marketing it, however, as an educational program with information on the history …

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Sex and the vibrator movie.

I admit it. I have been waiting all my life (okay, maybe just the last 10 years) for someone to make a quality film about the incredibly interesting history of vibrators. Really. I’m not kidding. And finally, someone is doing it. (Well, I can’t actually vouch that it’s quality, but it is a real film). …

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Seeing vaginismus everywhere.

My husband claims I see vaginismus everywhere. Okay. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I do…it kills me. When I see a woman who is totally avoidant of relationships I suspect she is fearful of penetration. When I see a young girl fearful of tampons, I suspect she is panicked at the idea of putting something inside. …

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A good day at our center.

Someone once asked me what makes a good day at our center. Today is one of those days. Today I got an email with a copy of a baby picture from a patient who struggled for 2 years with vaginismus. She is fine, having great sex and has a beautiful little baby girl to prove …

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Sex therapy and sexual health.

Sex therapy is a life saver when problems in the bedroom link to problems in the relationship, a person’s comfort level with emotional intimacy and more. But issues like pain and low desire — even trouble with orgasms — often have roots in physiological imbalances (hormones, neurotransmitters, muscle spasms.) So while you’re looking into sex therapy, consider …

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