Did We Just Have Sex?

“I did not have sex with that woman!” This was the proclamation solemnly intoned by the actor portraying President Bill Clinton in the current TV series, Impeachment. In a subsequent episode, he is testifying at a deposition where he dissects, parses, frames, and reframes the word “sex” as well as what actually constitutes an act …

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Sex Should Not Hurt…Here’s Why: Advice from Our Nurse Practioner

Intercourse should not hurt. I am surprised at how many patients I see who have been suffering for years with painful intercourse of some kind. There are many reasons why someone might be suffering from painful intercourse. For example, lack of lubrication, vaginal muscle tension, endometriosis, vaginal infections, and structural abnormalities are all possible reasons …

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Snapping Back…

There’s been a lot of talk about resilience, flexibility, adaptability, creativity as it pertains to the on-going pandemic. These words have always applied to life in general as sadly we know that no one gets by in this world without some scars. Yet, “there are people who snap when they’re knocked down and those who …

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What’s the Deal with Fantasies?

People worry about their fantasy life way too much. I’m not sure when, or how, as a society, we lost our ability to distinguish between imagination and real life, but I know that loss of distinction affects us in many unhealthy ways. And, as a sex therapist, I’ll assure you, that your sex life is …

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Flexy Sexy

Peanut Butter and Jelly. Ben and Jerry. Meghan and Harry. Some things just go better together. The same can be said for flexibility and sex. When you think of this fine pairing, what comes to mind? The splits? Yogic athleticism? Double-jointedness? Sure, muscular-skeletal pliability may be an asset during sexual engagements. But I’m talking about …

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Say Something!

On a recent episode of HGTV’s Fixer To Fabulous, Dave Marrs  playfully tells his wife, Jenny “your butt looks good in those jeans.” She smiles and thanks him for the compliment. After what seems like an eternal silence, Dave says “you can also tell me my butt looks good in my jeans, you know!”  While …

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