That’s What HE Said

I’m proud of our Vaginismus Forum. Vaginismus can be a heartbreaking condition to deal with and the shame around it adds some real salt to the wound.  So the fact that we have a place where people can go where vaginismus language is understood, it’s a drink of water in a desert of silence. Recently, …

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Learn to Fly

There are some things in life that get old. Fashion trends. Slang terms. Pokemon. Cars. Textbooks. But one thing that never gets old is what it is like sitting with a woman who has just had pain-free intercourse after years of suffering from vaginismus.  When patients with vaginismus first come here, many of them report …

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Voices of Vaginismus

Vaginismus is not usually the kind of condition you learn about from a Facebook status, a social event, or in some cases, even a trip to the doctor.    It typically exists in silence.  In our Vaginismus Forum, there are frequently posts from women sharing not just about the pain of living with unresolved vaginismus, …

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