Resolve Nothing

As a new year begins, we often here people speak about their “New Year’s Resolutions.”  More often than not these resolutions are about changing something about yourself. Popular ones include: losing weight, getting to the gym more often, eating healthy, etc.  But what if we stopped and thought for a moment about what we like …

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What’s new?

I love New Year’s Resolution time. For a limited period, people feel comfortable sharing their hopes and dreams for the coming year. Whereas during the rest of the year people may feel inhibited in discussing their introspective feelings, during New Year’s Resolution time it seems more popular to talk like Oprah. Some of the most …

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Sexy New Year’s resolutions…

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions we often resolve to lose weight, quit smoking and make more money. Those are all good, but how about a resolution for better sex? Here are three ways to improve your sex life and you can start today. Make your relationship a priority. It’s easy to forget about …

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