Painful Sex: Is it Collision Dyspareunia?

Occasionally women may experience pain with intercourse that they feel deep inside the vaginal canal; some women describe it as feeling a stabbing pain in their abdomen or bladder. It usually occurs with deeper penetration and sometimes is relieved with position change or their partner not thrusting quite as deeply.  For some women, however, this …

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Painful Sex: Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse the Cause?

One common cause of pain with intercourse is pelvic organ prolapse (POP). POP is a common condition, affecting as many as half of all women over 50. POP is defined as the abnormal descent or herniation of the pelvic organs from their normal attachment sites or their normal position in the pelvis. Organs that can “fall” into the …

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Dating in the Time of Coronavirus

With restaurants, bars, cafes, movie theaters, concert halls, and sports events off limits for now, how do we date? Here is an opportunity for creativity to thrive. We live in a most amazing technological time where we can see and communicate with each other without being in the same place. A coffee date can involve …

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COVID-19: My family’s experience

On Sunday March 15, my younger sister called me crying. She had temperature of 101OF and a blinding headache, but it was an important day at her job, and she knew her supervisor really needed her help. “Stay home,” I said. “Tell him you’re sick, he’ll understand. Even if there wasn’t an emerging global pandemic, …

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Sex on the Sly

Just getting through each day of quarantine is beginning to feel like winning the Super Bowl. For example, you might have thought you had this homeschool thing all worked out a few days ago. But this week, the novelty has worn off, your kids have lost focus, and they’re throwing their underwear at each other …

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Sex in the Time of Coronavirus

Dating and sex are hard in our current world, how do you go out or hook-up when you can’t leave the house? A lot of things are changing, and for a lot of people, this means that sex is going to look different than it did a month ago. Here are some ideas of things …

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Low Desire in the Time of a Pandemic

Given this time of heightened anxiety, we know that many women are finding it difficult to focus on their sex lives.  We are all under quite a bit of stress trying to multitask within the home, take care of our children, and work from home. So, if sex is the LAST thing on your mind …

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Can anti-depressants cause low libido?

It is estimated that approximately 1 in 6 women in the United States is taking an anti-depressant. Unfortunately, a substantial proportion of these women will experience unwanted side effects that impact their sex lives. Not surprisingly, depression itself is a major risk factor for sexual dysfunction; many women who are struggling with depression have very …

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