Sex = Love?

Does sex equal love in a romantic relationship? Okay — most people would roll their eyes if you asked them that. OF COURSE sex does not equal love. Sex is sex and love is love. Yet… when one partner does not want to have sex with the other partner, there can often get translated into …

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Treating vaginismus at home.

If you suspect you have vaginismus — severe pain (or any pain for that matter) when you have intercourse or you haven’t been able to insert anything into your vagina — the best option by far is to see a specialist who handles this particular condition. If, however, you don’t think you can, then by all …

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Intercourse and orgasm.

Most women don’t have an orgasm from intercourse alone You’ve heard me say it again and again…there is nothing “wrong” with you if you can’t have an orgasm from intercourse. It puts you squarely with 70% of women. And if you are someone who is able to have orgasms from a hand, a mouth or …

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Sex therapy and sexual health.

Sex therapy is a life saver when problems in the bedroom link to problems in the relationship, a person’s comfort level with emotional intimacy and more. But issues like pain and low desire — even trouble with orgasms — often have roots in physiological imbalances (hormones, neurotransmitters, muscle spasms.) So while you’re looking into sex therapy, consider …

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The sexual response cycle — desire and response.

Masters and Johnson are famous for researching the sexual response cycle, the body’s reaction to sexual stimuli. What is amazing about the sexual response cycle is that most people, regardless of race or religion or country they live in, respond to sexual stimuli and go through four phases: Excitement/Arousal, Plateau, Orgasm and Resolution. The stimuli …

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Once again, the media needs headlines about sex.

You’ve already heard us opine about claims that practitioners who treat female sexual dysfunction medically with tremendous success. Here, ABC News again fusses over the fact that big pharmaceutical companies are creating products to address the condition of low desire. Of particular interest are the comments below the story. Proof from real people, right there.

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Zestra vs the advertising industry.

Thank you, Nightline. My only wish is that the story on Zestra — the topical oil-based product said to increase women’s sensitivity to touch and help them feel greater sexual satisfaction — aired during prime time so more people could hear the words “women” and “sex” or “sexual satifaction” or “arousal” or “desire” in the same sentence. …

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