Vying for Vyleesi: Could it save your sex life?

Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in women is now technically called Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder. Symptoms, which need to be present for 6 months, include nonexistent or minimal interest in sexual activity, lack of sexual thoughts/fantasies, absence of pleasure and difficulty feeling sensations during sexual contact. Additionally, these symptoms need to cause considerable distress. For some …

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Options and Alternatives

Having options and alternatives means freedom, power, and the right to make our own choices. That generally is a very good thing! I came across an article called Birth Control Prescription Online Brands and Options. According to this article, approximately 19 million women in the US between the ages of 15-44 lack access to convenient …

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Sexual Pain Is Not Okay

Many women come to Maze Women’s Health after visiting a number of doctors who have dismissed their complaints of painful sex. Either they don’t see anything wrong and conclude it’s all in their head or they just don’t have the skill set to diagnose and treat this. I was pleased to come across the following …

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Perimenopause, Wait What?

When I turned 40, a friend was constantly asking me, “do you need reading glasses yet?” Actually, I didn’t. And remember feeling that she almost wished I did (we are no longer friends!). But sooner or later, it became harder for me to see the small print in the phone book. Oops. I’m showing my …

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Let’s Talk

Lately I’m seeing a lot of women struggling with the issue of how to broach the fact that they have pain with sex to a new partner. Despite their hesitation, they feel a strong need to bring the matter to light. Perhaps this is because more of us are becoming comfortable talking about sex even …

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Brain Power

Our brains deserve credit for much of our sexual functioning. Once underlying physiological factors are addressed, we need to exercise the pleasure centers in the brain to boost libido and arousal. How do we do this? Reading erotica and engaging in fantasy are known to positively foster sexuality. They are vehicles that allow us to …

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Ask Away

Are we asking each other enough questions and are we truly listening to the answers? You know how when you pass by someone and ask, “How are you?” you walk on assuming they have answered “Fine”? Kalina Silverman ran a research project named Big Talk and concluded that we need to skip the small talk …

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On the TV show Inside The Actors Studio, one of the questions host James Lipton asks is “What is your favorite word?” When I play along, I must admit it’s hard for me to narrow down a favorite. Some days I’ll think my word is hope, other days it’s flexibility, but today I’m choosing confidence. …

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Feelings have been the subject of poems, songs, dance, stories, books, movies and yet fully experiencing our feelings can be a mystery to us. Blame and criticism can inhibit our ability to feel our feelings. How we should and shouldn’t be feeling is a frequent refrain in our heads. Feelings are just what they are …

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Judy Blume and Puberty

Judy Blume’s 1970 classic “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” is being adapted into a movie. Woohoo! I am one of the women for whom this sweet, funny, authentic story about preteenhood was a lifesaver. This book is like a good friend who is there to normalize our experience and to ease the anxiety …

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