Attachment theory.

Attachment theory is the best way to understand love and romantic relationships. “Pioneered by psychologist John Bowlby in the 1950′s, the field of attachment posits that each of us behaves in relationships in one of three distinct ways: Anxious — people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partners ability to …

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The sex “drive”.

It was our first session of Driver’s Ed, and there we were sitting in the nerdy Driver’s Ed car. At last, it was my friend’s turn to drive and she joyously made her way to the front seat. With excitement on her face and eagerness to get moving, she simultaneously placed her right foot on …

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Injections for the Vagina?

Vaginismus is a condition in which the muscles in the vagina spasm involuntarily preventing vaginal penetration. This involuntary spasm can prevent women from inserting a tampon, undergoing speculum exams and having intercourse. Vaginismus is a major cause for unconsummated marriages. The cause of vaginismus is unknown, however fear, anxiety and pain can be contributing factors. …

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The pajama party.

I did a television interview last week. It was totally fun and totally unusual. It involved sitting on a waterbed. I kid you not. So here’s the premise — this new talk show has a bunch (four, to be precise) of absolutely adorable 20-somethings in PJ’s sitting around talking about sex. And me. Just to set …

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When ‘we’ starts to feel like ‘me’.

If you’ve ever played doubles in tennis, you know the intricacies of what it means to be on a two-person team. You practice strategy. You capitalize on your personal strengths. You communicate. You make adjustments when necessary. And you’ve got each other’s back. But let’s say your tennis partner’s deficits become too much for you …

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Sex at dawn or prehistoric promiscuity.

The premise of the book Sex at Dawn, by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha, is basically that as we moved from being foragers to farmers our society shifted in enormous ways, and with that shift, we went from a species that shared everything to a species that shared almost nothing. “Several types of evidence suggest …

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Vitamin D — believe the hype!

It’s that time of year again when the days seems to get shorter and the nights longer. Many people leave for work when it’s dark and return home in darkness, spending most of their daytime hours inside an office, greatly restricting their exposure to sunshine. It’s this lack of sunshine that can lead to Vitamin …

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Treating orgasm issues.

“In 1,749 randomly-sampled U.S. women, 24% reported an orgasmic dysfunction.” I think it is helpful to see the statistics on how often anorgasmia occurs because many women think they are alone in facing this issue. Often women we see at the Center feel unclear about exactly what an orgasm is. Orgasms are different for every …

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Keeping up your mojo.

It’s that time of year; awesome sales, no more humidity, and that feeling that the holiday spirit is right around the corner. But as the days get shorter and you change your wardrobe, you may also start to notice a change in your mood and energy, and some may feel like their sex life flies …

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