Bioidentical hormones.

There is so much confusion and misinformation when it comes to “bioidentical hormones.” Let me see if I can set the record straight. “Bioidentical hormones” does not mean that the hormones are “organic.” “Bioidentical hormones” does not mean that the hormones are “natural.” “Bioidentical hormones” does not mean that the hormones are “not really hormones.” …

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On condoms…

There was an interesting conversation the other day on a local radio station, Z100, where they were discussing condoms and the double standard that people apparently still seem to subscribe to. The double standard I am referring to is when men carry condoms, it is acceptable. In fact, it is usually expected that they will …

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A typical first visit…

Women are often nervous when first coming to the Medical Center for Female Sexuality, because they do not know what to expect. As a sexuality counselor, and the second person a patient will meet after the lovely ladies at the reception desk, I will typically explain within the first few minutes what will happen at …

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Sex before the clothes come off.

“An embrace should fill the heart as well as the arms.” – Hugh & Gail Prather I know you’ve heard it before. But it’s true so it’s really worth keeping in mind…sex (and the approach to sex) is about noting, feeling, understanding and touching the WHOLE person, both inside and out. Yes, yes, I know. …

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