In 2020 B.C. (Before Coronavirus), we might have used the word reopening on just a smattering of occasions. As in, “that Dunkin’ Donuts on Main is reopening after the flood” or “the Royale Theatre is reopening after a 5-year, $10,000,000. renovation.” But now that many regions around the country are planning to slowly reopen much of what has been closed to us for the last 3 months, the word has taken on a very new and meaningful interpretation.
Reopening is a connection to the lives we knew before COVID19. For some, it’s a great relief. For others, it induces anxiety. Either way, reopening means a return to some new normal in our former brick-and-mortar existence. But at its core, reopening means the ability to be with others: to gather with family members, friends, and neighbors. Humans are mammals, and mammals live in groups. Forced separation from one another has not simply been an inconvenience – it’s been challenging on a cellular level. Blame it on biology.
If you are someone who struggles with any kind of pelvic pain and you’ve been separated from your sexual partner, the thought of reopening your body to someone else could naturally be a nerve-wracking affair. You might be concerned about getting sick or worried about pain or discomfort. Maybe you were making progress with vaginismus or vulvodynia but didn’t have the bandwidth to carry on with treatment while in quarantine. Here are some things to consider:
- Safety First
Make sure that you and your partner are on the same page in terms of potential exposure to the virus. You may each want to consult with your respective doctors so that you understand your risks and can make healthy choices.
- Act Now! Don’t Delay!
If you’ve been putting off treatment protocol or self-pleasure, now’s the time to jump back in! Talk to your care provider if you need help with re-integration. Begin to explore your body again, masturbate, and remind yourself of what’s possible.
- Manage Expectations
When you do finally reunite, be kind to yourself and to each other. Remember that it may take some time to get back in the swing and feel connected. Take things slowly and pace yourself for maximum comfort.
- Be Present, Be Mindful
You might be a bit apprehensive, concerned that you’ve been physically been set back. But remember – this moment is a new one, and so is every sexual engagement. When you take a pause, you can focus on the here and now and write a whole new narrative for you and your sexuality.
We’ve reopened, and we can help you do the same. If you’re experiencing pelvic pain, or any other sexual health concerns, and are ready to receive treatment, whether you’re just starting or you’ve taken a break, we’re here to help. Contact us for a free phone consultation.