Sex Ed Illustrated: “Oh Joy Sex Toy”

Talking about sex is great, learning about sex is great, but sometimes it can be hard to find resources that are entertaining as well as educational. Enter “Oh Joy Sex Toy” a “sex education and toy review comic” that writes (and draws) about everything from vibrators to vaginismus.  

Each comic addresses a single topic, whether it be reviewing a sex toy or porn site or delving into anatomy or different types of sex. Information is displayed in a clear and engaging comic format that helps make complicated information easy to understand. Each comic is also accompanied by the sources used, as well as further resources and links to explore. In addition to reviews and educational comics, OJST sometimes features erotica created by guest artists.

Oh Joy Sex Toy is a great resource if you’re looking to find your first (or fifth!) sex toy, or if you have questions about anatomy, sex, or sexuality. It can sometimes trend towards NSFW (not safe for work), so maybe wait until you get home to check it out.

And even though these comics are incredibly informative, sometimes you need to talk to a professional. At Maze Women’s Health, we can answer any of your questions when it comes to your sexual health. We specialize in treatment for low libido, pelvic pain, hormone imbalances, and other female sexual health dysfunction.

Contact us for a free phone consultation and see how we can help.

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