I was recently interviewed by Health.com about things to know about having sex during your period. Here is a snippet:
Doctors say go for it:
“If the patient is comfortable with it, then it’s great to continue having sex throughout the month and not have to take a break,” says Ford. “It’s perfectly natural and safe for both partners.”
You might like it — a lot:
Arousal is different for every woman, and some may be too distracted by their period and its annoyances to actually get in the mood for sex. But for others, menstruation could actually be a turn-on of sorts. That’s because your estrogen and testosterone are low on day 1, but they start to rise by day 3. “Some women report they feel more aroused and more sensitive around this time,” says Ford.
…And your partner might, too:
Women shouldn’t assume their partner will be grossed out by their period. Every couple is different, and some people will be more open to it than others. If you’re curious what your partner might think, however, don’t spring it on him or her in the heat of the moment — bring it up before things get hot and heavy. “Good communication can lead to great sex at any time during the month,” Ford says.
Click here to read the entire article.