Hi all. In an excellent recent post, sjkophie shared her success story 2.5 years after having Dr. Pacik’s Botox treatment for vaginismus. In her post, she wrote about her vaginismus pre-procedure:
“I was about a level 5, no penetration possible… not even a Q tip. From anti depressants to steroid cream to physical therapy to estrogen cream (at age 19) ……. I did it all.”
And, then post-procedure:
“I get to have great sex regularly (barre the last month with the dryness and irritation issue) but the pain from not being able to penetrate = GONE!! No longer do my muscles have that vaginismus ache. No longer do they scream “Whoa, that’s not going in there…!”
This post is beyond amazing and reminds me of the saying “you are now so far from where you used to be”. Looking back to pre-procedure, I, too, was a level 5 severity of vaginismus and could not insert a thing, even the smallest tampon despite wanting to and continuously trying to. I still thank God every day as does my hubby for Dr. Pacik and that this treatment option exists as it is what we specifically needed in order to overcome vaginismus. If you, too, are reading this write now and have a similar severity of vaginismus (i.e. not being able to insert anything), please consider having the Botox treatment program. While Dr. P has retired, Maze Women’s Sexual Health, is currently offering the Botox treatment program for vaginismus. Sending you all hugs and support today!!!