I’ve noticed this, it’s a frustrating problem. I want to work on my core to reduce my back pain, but I can’t do much with vaginismus right now. I’ve found that any exercise that works muscles connected to the pelvic floor gives me flare ups. Working my glutes, core, hips or back will tighten my pelvic floor on me. I’ve been doing modified versions of basic moves (like planks on my knees instead of the usual), and doing fewer reps. I also walk on a regular basis rather than do intense cardio. Sometimes I ride my bike, I bought a special women’s bike seat with a cutout for your vulva. You can find them online, Amazon has some. Basically, just go slow and do lots of stretching after exercise. Make sure you take time to dilate or do self internal trigger point release (or both!!) after as well. Ice packs and/or epsom salt baths are also helpful 🙂