Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Post-Procedure New Blog: Recurrent Sexual Pain after Botox Treatment Re: New Blog: Recurrent Sexual Pain after Botox Treatment


Hi Heather,
I haven’t experienced pain since my botox treatment in September, 2011. However, sometimes I feel tighter than other days. To be safe, I sleep with the pink dilator between 3 -4 times a week. After all, it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to get it in and once it is in, I can count with 7-8 hours of dilation while I sleep. I’ve found that by doing this, I get the confidence I need to know that everything will be fine going forward. If someone experience any pain after the procedure, I would recommend that you get checked with your OB/GYN to rule out other conditions. (i.e – ovarian cysts, endometriosis…)