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Dear @Autumn!

I went through the same experience a year ago when even doctors here in my country told me that I was just scared of sex and that it is going to be painful. So many people made me feel that I was exaggerating. However, vaginismus is a real issue. Once you get out of it, you realize how terrible it is for your physical and mental well-being.

Treating vaginismus may take months. So it is better to talk to your partner about it. His support would also be very helpful to you. About your family, talk to ones who you trust the most and who you know would root for you instead of pulling you down. Regarding the clinic, tell the forum where you are from and I am sure someone will be able to point out some clinic or doctor in your country.

As @bettyslocombe said, the hardest part is recognizing the problem and looking for solution and you have accomplished that step. Move step by step with the guidance from this forum and soon you will find yourself on the other end.

Best of luck! If you have any other confusion, just let us know.