What Happens After a Break from Dilating and Intercourse?

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Daily Questions About Vaginismus What Happens After a Break from Dilating and Intercourse?

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    Hi everyone. I have a question today about taking a break. What happens if you are forced to take a 4-week break from dilating and intercourse (i.e. you are on holiday, other circumstances beyond your control, etc.)? For the veteran patients out there who may have experienced this, what was it like when you started dilating/intercourse again following your break? For Dr. P, what should a patient watch out for following this time? I have read in several of your blogs and resource articles that should any regression ever occur, it’s important to begin the dilation process again slowly as you originally did (i.e. working from purple up to blue). Any other suggestions, thoughts, comments ladies and Dr. P?

    mmDr. Pacik

    Everyone will every so often have a time they can’t dilate. Whether one week or one month it is always important to start with the smaller dilators and work back up. I would suggest starting with the purple #4 once again and over the next 3-7 days, depending on how it feels, progress to the pink #5 and large blue #6. Sleep with the purple as before every two days. I would probably also suggest not rushing into intercourse until you are comfortable with the dilators to avoid psychologic setbacks. Any vaginal pain could trigger an adverse emotional reaction, so prepare yourself by getting comfortable with the dilators again.

    If you are having a surgical procedure and the doctor tells you to avoid intercourse for x number of weeks ask if you can dilate. There is an enormous difference in activity levels having intercourse or just dilating gently.

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