Treatment Journal: Day by Day

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  • #12494

    Hi Zenely

    I am so sorry to hear of your struggles with vestibuldynia. Please know we are all here to support you through this.

    In your last paragraph, you wrote:

    “So, instead of dilating, I pre-treated with the cortizone10 and lidocaine for a good while beforehand and then just jumped my husband. At first I felt some pain because of muscle tightness, but after about 30 seconds that went away and he was able to penetrate just fine with no pain. There was absolutely no muscle pain during, though I did feel a pin-prick pain most of the time on the left side where the vestibuldynia is centered. It was not debilitating though. Even though I technically haven’t reached the “pain free sex” status, I think this is a huge accomplishment regardless.”

    This is a huge accomplishment and so, so wonderful!!!!!!

    Sending you hugs and support!!!!


    It has been awhile.. I came down with a cold that left me miserable, then started my menses, and life just got hectic.

    To update everyone, the past month has been pretty much the same in terms of pain. I have zero muscle pain, but the left side vestibuldynia pain is still there. However, my husband and I have been attempting and having intercourse more and more frequently as time goes on. Even though there is still pain for me, it’s a much more tolerable pain and I can usually get through it. It sometimes even drops down so low I barely even notice it! Sometimes, anyway.

    I have stopped using the lidocaine because there was zero difference in pain when I used it and at times it felt like it irritated the area more than anything.

    I have to admit, because of everything going on – I have not kept to a strict dilation schedule. I’m hoping to get back on track soon. I’m also still hoping for someone to reach out who has vestibuldynia as well and see/read another’s experience with that condition.


    Well that is definitely encouraging that your pain is more tolerable and sometimes super low. I’m sorry that you have to deal with the vestibuldynia too. 🙁 I cannot relate to that aspect of it, but it would be nice if there were other women here who could.

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