“Bad Hair Day”

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Dilating “Bad Hair Day”

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    After all my excitement yesterday, I ended up having a set-back in regards to dilating with #6 last night. I was so surprised/confused when after I inserted #6 it was extremely painful. Worse than it has ever been since my procedure. But thanks to Dr. Pacik, my sister and women from the Forum it makes sense why.

    “It takes time for the muscles to stretch even after Botox. Tight muscles can’t be rushed. Also set-backs are common, where you and your muscles might have a “bad hair day”. Rushing through the kind of “busy” day you described probably doesn’t help much either, for your dilation or your nerves.”

    “I’m sure it is because of the business of the day you had, probably just your body saying it may be a bit tired and overwhelmed.”

    “on days like today when you are super busy and lots of away from the house time, your muscles (all over your body) will be more tense.”

    Today is a new day and I’m happy to report that I shortened the time that I dilated with #6 and I didn’t have as much pain as I did yesterday. Thank you to Dr. Pacik and the others who shared and encouraged me.

    Janet Pacik

    The important thing to remember is to take one day at a time. You will have good days and you will have days that aren’t so good. Celebrate in the good moments and don’t beat yourself up on the bad days. Every day IS A new day! We have confidence in you that as time goes on you will have many more good hair days than bad hair days!

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