Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Success Stories Today I am 1 year post-procedure :) … Re: Today I am 1 year post-procedure :) …


Hi Karen. I am so, so, so very happy for you. Huge CONGRATS on your tremendous success! I absolutely love what you wrote about the boost of confidence in all aspects of life post-procedure. I felt this way too and even co-workers commented about how happy and different I seemed. I believe vaginismus affects so many aspects of your life and, for me personally, I felt on top of the world and as Dr. Pacik has so many times said, like I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, after I was able to make love and have a pain-free gyn exam and finally achieve these milestones. It felt and still feels like a miracle. I am so, so very happy for you and smile so huge reading this. :):):)