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Recently, there has been an excellent thread started by Tony, a very supportive husband to his wife Christine, and there have been wonderful replies from the Forum members.


Tony and Christine will be treated coming up on December 16th.

Dr. Pacik has written: “So often my vaginismus patients sit on the forms for months before returning them for my evaluation. They are simply unable to bring themselves to completing the forms. This is where the partner can take the lead, by patiently sitting with his honey and completing the forms as a joint effort. He submits the forms, I review them, and both are involved with my phone call to give guidance.”

Throughout Tony’s thread, he relates to this in that Christine has had a difficult time in completing the forms and speaking to Dr. Pacik. I replied in that I can understand how she feels when you say she cries when hearing words about vaginismus and in completing the forms. I had these same feelings and experiences while having vaginismus. It was so hard to face it and the emotions came out whenever I did because of how much I kept this hidden and how isolating it was.

For any of the male partners reading this right now, I would definitely encourage you to check out Tony and Christine’s excellent thread and follow their journey. Also, if you are reading this Tony and Christine, please know we are all here to support you both along this journey of overcoming vaginismus together.