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Hi SleeplessinEdinburgh,

Your name should have been the give away!
I am rooting for you too! I might also try and arrange a consult with him, i am originally from Bristol area so a bit of a trek.

I wasn’t recommended no, I just did lots of googling. I am actually a physiotherapist so I have heard it being used for tendons, but not scars. To be honest, I had to even do my own research for botox, and originally no one referred me to physio. I referred myself when I realised that they could help me.
So actually all the treatment I’ve had has come from me researching. Bar my very first gynaecologist review I had 10 years ago, they just gave me dilators and a CD. And that was it. And steroid cream which is bad long term.
So yeah been a rough ride.
I refer lots of my clients to pelvic health now! Just wished I had someone looking out for me those years ago.
Hey ho it is what it is.
Dr Bri vibrant pelvic health is a very good online resources. And also there is a girl on instagram who has a similar issue to us, i think she is called queen of eves but she is much like us and not sure what her diagnosis is.