
Orgasms Explained E-Book

“Orgasms” are defined as the intense sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitement. But there is not one specific definition. Learn all about orgasms and how you can experience them. Get the E-Book

How to Choose a Vibrator E-Book

Did you know that 95% of women can have an orgasm from from a Vibrator, while only 30% of women can have an orgasm from intercourse alone? This e-book will help you find one that’s right for you. Get the E-Book

Your Guide to Lubricants E-Book

Lubricants simply make sex feel better. Whether you experience pain, dryness, or are looking to feel more comfortable with a partner…lubricants will be your new best friend. Get the E-Book

Top 5 Myths E-Book

At Maze, it’s our mission to dispel the myths so you can have a healthier and more realistic understanding about your sex life. Some of them may come as a surprise… Get the E-Book

Postpartum E-Book

For new moms , just about everything changes when you welcome a new baby. From low desire, hormonal imbalances, to mood changes, this guide will help you navigate back to a healthier sex life. Get the E-Book

Guide to Finding a Sex Therapist

Here’s a guide on what Sex Therapy is, and how to find the best one for you and your partner. Learn More

Guide to Women's Sexual Health, with Mommybites

Are my hormones to blame? Why am I not in the mood? Here’s some key tips to navigating your sex life as a mom.


Sexual Desire Quiz

The Sexual Desire Quiz asks you about your interest in or wish for sexual activity in cognitive terms, as opposed to previous measures that used predominantly behavioral methods. Originally published by I. P. Spector, M. P. Carey and L. Steinberg, the Sexual Desire Inventory is a 10-item scale with a possible score range from 0 to 100. Find out your score. Take the Quiz

Vaginismus Quiz

Vaginismus is a condition characterized by involuntary tightness of the vagina during attempted intercourse. It can can be mild, severe, or anywhere in between. Take the quiz to help figure out where you fall on this spectrum and determine the treatment plan that will be the most successful for you. Take the Quiz

Sez Points Quiz: The Multi-Point System

Our Clinical Director, Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, wrote the book “Sex Points” to help women assess their sexual health. Your interest in sex, ability to become aroused and incidence of pain during sex are indicators of sexual function. When sex talk stays too theoretical and abstract it’s hard to implement changes in your life. This quiz delivers concrete guidance, giving you a clear path to experiencing pleasure. Take the Quiz

More Resources

Kegel Exercises

We’re not the first to tell you this, but Kegel exercises are really important. A Kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Arthur Kegel who created the exercise. Muscles attached to the pelvic bone, called PC muscles (for pubococcygeus) act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. When these muscles are strong, everything inside is where it’s supposed to be. And strong internal muscles help with incontinence, sexual activity and general urological and sexual well-being. Learn More

Painful Sex Glossary

A list of terms associated with sexual health disorders that cause pain during intercourse.

Sex Therapy Glossary

list of terms commonly associated with sex therapy.

Sexual Health Glossary

A list of general terms associated with sexual health and wellness.

Treating Out-of-Town Patients

Even if you live too far away to see us on a regular basis, there are many aspects of sexual health we can help you with. Maze is a specialty medical practice focusing on women’s sexual health, and although we cannot diagnose or treat medical conditions over the phone, our practice does have three helpful programs for people who contact us from out of our local area. Learn More


Ten Ways to Impress in the Bedroom

Whether you are a man or woman, single or in a relationship, everyone should want to impress the object of their affections. The important thing is to actually want to make an impression and this indicates that you care enough about your lover or partner to make the effort. Therefore even if they aren’t impressed with the new love making technique that you try, they can see that you are trying to please them! This info-graphic from Carvaka aims to highlight some areas where impressions can be made. There are also some tips from experts which might assist in making the right impression. Learn More

Everyday Aphrodisiacs

An aphrodisiac is a food, drink or anything else that stimulates sexual desire. Some foods have psychoactive properties, others arouse because they are psychologically suggestive, and some can actually increase blood flow to the genitals. You may have heard of the enchanting powers of dark chocolate, bananas or chilies, but what about basil or asparagus? Find out more about foods and drinks that delight, as well as those that may send one running. Learn More

Bondage for Beginners

Since the release of Fifty Shades of Grey, bondage has been introduced to a more mainstream audience. Many people have begun exploring the world of bondage, and now you may be interested in trying it out, but don’t know where to begin. There’s more to bondage than what’s shown in the movies, and this info-graphic helps explain the basics of bondage through expert tips and tools. Learn More

Industry Resources


Rythm is the trusted destination for safer intimacy essentials to make humans feel good both in and out of the bedroom. All of their thoughtfully curated products, including an assortment of nontoxic lubes and vibrators, have been reviewed and recommended by their Clinical Board of Experts.

Rhythm’s holistic approach is designed to help people connect better with their parts and partners through safer intimacy essentials that target the vagina-mind-spirit connection.

Shop their products here.


Sharsheret is a national non-profit organization, improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach. While our expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, Sharsheret programs serve all women and men. Hear Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, Clinical Director at Maze Women’s Health, discuss Sexuality & Cancer: Changes, Challenges and New Approaches. Plus, download this free resource.

The Joshua Project

The Joshua Project offers a scriptural point of view on American life, culture, history, and politics to a wide array of audiences. Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus is proud to be featured in “Love & Sex in the Bible”, and to be amongst some of today’s most original thinkers and teachers who have contributed engaging content.

Meet Rosy

Rosy wants all women to find joy in their sexual experiences. Designed by doctors and psychologists for the 43% of women who have sexual problems and questions, Rosy is the first-of-its-kind platform offering women a holistic approach to sexual health and wellness. Find evidence-based interventions proven to increase sexual function as well as the technology to connect you with experts in real-time. Check out the Orthodox Judaism & Sexuality class, designed by Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, sex therapist and Clinical Director of Maze Women’s Health.

Tight Lipped Podcast

Tight Lipped is a storytelling podcast that makes public what is often thought of as “private pain” and asks big questions about chronic vaginal, vulvar and pelvic pain conditions. The show focuses on conditions that are common (like vaginismus, vulvodynia, and vestibulodynia), yet carry with them a social stigma and often impact mental health, identity and intimate relationships.

International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health

The International Society for the study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH). There may be resources for local help in your area on this site.

American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists

The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting understanding of human sexuality and healthy sexual behavior.

Extend Fertility

Offering premier egg freezing services in New York City. Extend Fertility is the first service in the country to focus exclusively on women who want to proactively preserve their fertility options and believe these women deserve clinical excellence and a price that makes sense at this point in their lives.

Mention Maze Women’s Health and receive $500 off your egg freezing package.

National Vulvodynia Association

The National Vulvodynia Association (NVA) provides a plethora of information for women suffering from vulvar pain. They focus on improving women’s health through education, research, support and advocacy.

Jean Hailes Foundation

Jean Hailes is a non-profit organization which focuses on women’s healthcare. Their website provides information on a wide range of female health topics.