Hi ladies. I’m wondering what helps you to relax prior to intercourse?
In the past (pre-procedure), I visited gynecologists who suggested having a drink or even getting drunk to relax enough to have pain-free sex and cure vaginismus. I tried this a couple of times and it obviously wasn’t the miracle cure that the hubby and I were hoping it would be then. Fast forward to now, I find that having a glass of wine is kind of nice and relaxing prior to intercourse. In addition to this, I’ve also found that lighting scented candles and taking a warm bath is also very relaxing prior to intercourse.
Ladies, what “methods” have helped you or failed when trying to “relax” prior to intercourse (i.e. a drink, taking a shower, hot tubbing, going out for a romantic dinner, taking a walk, receiving a love note from your partner making a date, receiving flowers, etc. etc.)???