Blog: Dilation and Keeping a Daily Log after your Botox Treatment for Vaginismus

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Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Vaginismus Dilating Blog: Dilation and Keeping a Daily Log after your Botox Treatment for Vaginismus

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    Hi ladies. Dr. Pacik posted an interesting new blog today concerning the unique aspects of the treatment program as well as the importance of keeping a daily dilation log.

    Concerning the first part, an excerpt includes:
    “waking up in the recovery room with the dilator in place actually ‘flips a switch’ in the brain when you realize that you can dilate successfully”

    I can’t stress enough how important this aspect of the treatment program was for me ladies. I always associated any insertion at all as terrifying as it had caused such horrible pain in the past (fear/pain response). Once I woke up with the largest blue dilator already in place, it entirely took my anxiety away as it fit comfortably and I then no longer anticipated pain. Did you find this part of the procedure very important as well? What were your experiences?

    Concerning the second part, the importance of keeping the daily dilation log, an excerpt includes:
    “The important aspect is to take responsibility for one’s own dilation schedule. When our patients are diligent with their dilation and their log, the successes are amazing!”

    I, again, think this is super important because it keeps you accountable for dilating post-procedure, one of the key components to successfully overcoming vaginismus.


    What have been your experiences with the daily dilation schedule? Do you feel as though it has kept you accountable and added to your success?

    K Howard

    Heather, I think that the daily dilation schedule definitely is key! It truly makes you accountable for your actions (or lack there of sometimes). I know that for me personally it has been a tremendous help in order to keep me on track. Also, it is good to go back and see your own progress. From day to day and week to week things sometimes all start seeming the same but it is very beneficial to be able to go back and actually see where I’ve taken shorter periods of time to insert the dilators or been able to leave them in longer, etc.

    We can do it ladies! We’ve invested time (and money) into the procedure….we have to be sure that we also follow the after-care plan!

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