
Hi Allie. I seriously KNOW that you will succeed with this exam and do so, so great. What helped me beyond words is to dilate ahead of time with the pure romance “blue” dilator and to actually wear the dilator to the exam. In dilating in advance, you will know that you are more than adequately stretched out in advance and this also helps just so, so much to reduce anxiety. Calling the speculum a dilator/insert is a great idea and exactly what I did and this, too, helped to reduce anxiety. This dilator/insert is just incredibly smaller than the dilator that you had been dilating with for hours prior to the exam. Then, the timing of it is so important. I was nervous that it would take so much time and it literally takes 3-5 minutes max and is then over and done with. I know you are going to do so, so good and have complete success!!!!