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I have VWELL dilators and was able to do thirsting motions with no problem for #3 and #4. I am on number #5 and it’s still uncomfortable (very tight when inserting); however, I can insert and leave dilator in vagina for 20-30 minutes. When I decide to move dilator in circles, I’m fine, but when I move it up and down, it feels like my whole vagina is on fire. This burning feeling is all new, I never had this problem internally and even more unsettling my initial attempts of moving #5 up and down, it didn’t burn, only within the last 2 weeks have I’ve experienced this intense fire/burn feeling, especially deep in the vagina. I continue the thrusting even through the fire pain, because I’m hoping maybe it has to get worse before it gets better (like maybe I’m giving the muscles a good workout). Is what I’m feeling normal or is something wrong.