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SleeplessInEdinburgh, thank you SO much for sharing your experiences in detail, as well as what worked and what didn’t! As you can see from how many posts are in this thread, this is a frequent issue that comes up and I have never known anything to recommend, so this is hugely helpful. I am so glad to hear that you have found treatment options that have been effective for you. It’s super frustrating that you have seen regression when taking time off from the stretches, but hopefully that won’t always be true. I had vaginismus and it was also important to keep up a very regular routine, which could be annoying and tedious for sure. If you find yourself in a relationship and having intercourse regularly, that might also be enough to keep your body prepped so that the tearing isn’t happening regularly. I’m wishing you the best of luck, and thanks so much again for sharing all this useful information with everyone here!