Home Forums Vaginismus Support Group Tips for Future Vaginismus Patients New Blog – Botox Treatment for Vaginismus: Tips for Overcoming Pre-Procedure Nerves Re: New Blog – Botox Treatment for Vaginismus: Tips for Overcoming Pre-Procedure Nerves

Quote from Dr. Pacik on August 18, 2014, 05:52

I would love the others to describe their nerves with fear and anxiety issues and perhaps for our vets to comment on how they dealt with these issues. What approaches if any you employed to help overcome this dread?

I think with so many procedures coming up, this is a wonderful Blog to revisit.

To the veterans and, especially, newly treated patients, what helped you in regards to managing pre-procedure anxiety (i.e. visualization, speaking to others, posting and/or reading the forum, partner/family support)?