
Hi Diana and welcome to the forum. Thanks for posting and my sincere congratulations on your tremendous success. You have such an inspiring story!!! You wrote “I remember picturing myself post-procedure and being able to dilate and have intercourse, I think that helped lowering my anxiety.” I entirely agree with you and think it’s incredibly important to visualize this process and the end result of intercourse with our hubbys/partners!!! You also wrote “when we found out about Dr. Pacik, we felt that there was hope again.” This was wonderful to read and I felt the same way. For those to-be-treated patients reading this, please have hope and know that this truly is the cure for vaginismus and Dr. P is really there for you every step of the way. It’s such a great feeling! I also loved how you will assist Spanish speaking patients and think this will be incredibly beneficial because as you said language should never be a barrier to this amazing treatment. So glad that you are here Diana and I look very forward to talking to you more!