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Hi Recessive Gene Queen,

Many thanks for your reply and advice that is much appreciated and very helpful.

I am not in a position at present to have intercourse… due to the fact I have only very recently started to see someone. My one major concern is not having intercourse during the 6 month period that the Botox lasts. My doctor seemed to indicate that this shouldn’t be a problem as long as I continue to dilate but as the procedure was so costly and it means a lot that this works, I am slightly worried about this. Do you know if many others at Maze would be in the same position as me or if there is any major disadvantage in first intercourse being technically after the Botox has worn off?

Many thanks again for your help. I know you had this procedure done some time ago now and have made a full recovery. It’s a great inspiration for the rest of us and it is greatly appreciated you are still active on these forums and provide help and advice to people like me, who are still a few steps behind you.

Thank you and happy new year!