Home remedies for urinary tract infections.

One of the reasons why women go see their health care provider is for the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTI). One in five women will develop at least one UTI within her lifetime and, although less common, many men are likely to suffer from one as well. Luckily, there are several home remedies one can try at the first sign of a UTI.

Urinary tract infections are caused by a build-up of bacteria in the opening of the urethra that spreads to the urinary tract. If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection, I’m sure you are very familiar with the symptoms as they can be very painful. One patient described that she felt as if razor blades were coming down her urinary tract. OUCH! The other common symptoms include an increased urge to urinate (but only a small amount passes), back pain, and possibly a fever.

If left untreated, the bacteria could spread to the kidneys causing a more serious infection. These infections can be cured with antibiotics. However, there are a few tricks and tips you can try at home that will help prevent the development of a UTI. Of course we’ve all heard that cranberry juice can help keep the urinary tract healthy at the first sign of a UTI, but you may be surprised by some of the other home remedies I found!

Baking Soda

If you feel a UTI coming on, try nipping it in the bud with baking soda. Just mix a tablespoon in 8oz of water and drink it. The baking soda naturalizes the acidity in your urine and can help pass the infection.

Cranberry Juice

It’s been proven that cranberry juice has a mild antibiotic effect and can help you keep your bladder infection free. If you are prone to UTIs, try drinking a small amount every day. If you are experiencing a UTI right now, increase your cranberry juice intake to about 3 or 4 glasses per day to help flush the infection out of your bladder while you are on antibiotics.


These little berries are in the same family as cranberries and one study has shown that they may have the same healing properties. Try eating as many blueberries as you can – sprinkle them on your oatmeal, blend them up in a smoothie, or just eat them by the handful! An added advantage is that blueberries are a potent superfood with a multitude of other nutrients and health benefits.


This is probably the most important, and easiest way to keep your body UTI-free. If you frequently get UTIs, make sure you are drinking at least 8 ounces of water every hour, meaning you should be urinating every four hours. If you have a UTI now, double or even triple your water intake to dilute your urine and pass the infection.

It is important to remember that a UTI can become a serious health issue if left untreated. If you feel one coming on, you can try these at home remedies. However, if the symptoms are still present after 2 days you should go to the doctor immediately. Natural and home treatments are much more effective at keeping UTIs at bay rather than completely treating a full-blown infection.

Do you experience frequent UTIs? What are some of the at home tricks that you use to help prevent or treat the infection?

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